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Welcome to the Kindergarten Room 

The staff at ACCCK would like to welcome you and your family to our Kindergarten room and look forward to a collaborative relationship. 


ACCCK provides quality play-based learning experiences that allow children to explore, identify, come up with their own theories and ideas, negotiate and take risks. These important skills allow children to enter the wider-world with confidence, curiosity and a lifelong desire to learn. The educators aim to build confident, active learners by combining school readiness programs with play based learning experiences whilst fostering their social and emotional development. Our integrated indoor/outdoor program is child-directed and seeks to engage children in meaningful learning experiences.


The Kindergarten room caters for 22 children who are 4 years of age before the 30th of April in the year of attendance. There are three staff working in the Kindergarten room, an Early Childhood Teacher a Diploma trained educator and a Certificate III trained educator. 


Our funded four year old Kindergarten program is led by a Bachelor trained Early Childhood Teacher 4 days per week from 8.30am to 4.45pm. Children access long day care outside of the kindergarten program hours, catering for families working outside of these hours 

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