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Eligibility for A Kindergarten Program

Children are eligible to attend a funded three year old kindergarten program if they turn three years of age by the 30th of April in the year of attendance or a funded four year old kindergarten program if they turn four years of age by the 30th of April in the year of attendance.

Your child will move from the three year old funded kindergarten program into the four year old funded kindergarten program the following year of their three year old kindergarten program, if a second year of a funded kindergarten program is required this will only be available in the four year old program. A Early Childhood Teacher will conduct a formal parent teacher interview throughout the year giving families an opportunity to discuss their child’s progress to support families with this decision.


If your child does not turn four years old at the start of his/her four year old kindergarten year, you will need to consider if your child will be ready for four year old kindergarten. Children born in February, March or April are generally the most vulnerable to problems that result from starting kindergarten and school too early. The Early Childhood Teacher can assist you when making this decision.

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